Saturday, February 22, 2025

shadow of the thin man (1941)

Asta the dog charges into a changing room whilst its owner explains his dog isn’t afraid of anything, but on entry Asta finds a kitten there which sends Aster cowering when it meows at him.

Friday, February 21, 2025

blitz (2024)

Set in the east end of London during the blitz of WWII, this sees Elliott Heffernan objecting to him being evacuated. Forced to leave his mother, grand-father and cat, who pops up in multiple scenes and we see surviving the bombing of their street.
Olly is credited to two actors, Tinkerbell and Zinger.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

nowhere to go (1958)

Long haired calico cat walks through a London mews at night. The next day the same cat is seen walking along a wall and into a flat through an open window, waking a man as it walks over him.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

warn that man (1943)

A spy is distracted by a noise whilst searching a house. Only to find that a neighbourhood cat has knocked over a vase.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

account rendered (1957)

A man is handed a friends pet cat to look after whilst he goes away to Paris.

model for murder (1959)

A fashion stylists pet cat unwhittingly becomes involved in a diamond heist.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

hound of the baskervilles (1959)

A cat sniffs about and waits to be let into a cottage as the Lord of the manor turns up and enters.